- 05/12/2015
- Posted by: Valerie Vaz MP
- Category: News

I visited Bentley West Primary School on Friday 4 December 2015 to meet the School Council who had been presented with badges and to answer questions from pupils about my work in Parliament and in Walsall South.
As I toured the School, Years 3, asked about how many MPs there are and I said there were 650.
Year 4, asked about my work as an MP and I explained that I ask the Government questions, take part in debates and amend legislation among other things and work in the constituency helping people.
Year 5 asked how many hours I worked and I said very many and Year 6 asked about a difficult decision I have had to make. I told them about the vote on military action in Syria which had taken place two days earlier.
It was good the children preparing for their Christmas Fair.