Books for Prisoners

Valerie said:

“I have signed the petition and support the Howard League and the tens of thousands of people who have signed the petition to reverse the banning of books to prisoners by the Justice Secretary. I note that the Howard League is considering legal action over this ban.”

“The petition calls for a review and amendment to the ‘new rules which restrict prisoners access to books and personal items from families, in particular from children’.”

Frances Crook, Chief Executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, said:

“With ministers digging their heels in despite the fantastic expressions of support we have received from famous authors and ordinary members of the public, we are now with regret considering legal action. We still hope that the Ministry of Justice will see sense and work with us to resolve the unintended consequences of this policy.”

More information on the Howard League plan is available here:…&utm_source=YMLP&utm_term=taking+Chris+Grayling+to+court

The Petition can be found here: