Early Day Motions on Women on Banknotes and The Royal Institution

The latest Early Day Motions Valerie has tabled are|:.

1. An EDM which called for more women to be honoured on banknotes:

“That this House welcomes and supports the petition Bank of England: Keep a woman on English banknotes; is concerned at the Bank of England’s decision to remove Elizabeth Fry from the five pound note; notes that Elizabeth Fry is currently the only female honoured in this way and the second one ever after Florence Nightingale; further notes that there is a range of alternative national female figures that could be considered for such recognition; further notes that women make up over 50 per cent of the population and should therefore be represented on at least 50 per cent of banknotes; and calls on the Government to support equal representation and recognition of women across all spheres of public life.”

EDM 326: Women on Banknotes can be found here: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2013-14/326

2 The other EDM called on the Government to continue their support for the Royal Institution:

“That this House notes the anonymous donor who provided £4.4 million towards the Royal Institution’s (RI) debts and prevented the immediate sale of 21 Albemarle Street, which provided time to develop a new strategy for the RI; further notes that this was the workplace of Sir Humphry Davy and Michael Faraday and other leading British scientists; further notes that this is the place where 10 elements were discovered and where Michael Faraday first demonstrated the power of electricity; is concerned that the RI, which is a focus for children’s first experience in science particularly with the Christmas lectures founded by Michael Faraday in 1825, may be lost; welcomes the fact that interest in science is on the increase among girls and boys; and calls on the Government to continue to ensure that the RI’s legacy of Britain’s contribution to science continues and remains in the building at 21 Albemarle Street as the place for discovery, innovation, inspiration and imagination.”

EDM 328: The Royal Institution can be found here: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2013-14/328