FOI response reveals fivefold increase in Blue Badge refusals

The Graph above shows the percentage of Blue Badge applications refused in each for the last 5 years by Walsall MBC.

When an 82 year old constituent was refused a Blue Badge despite having it for 10 years and an on-going condition I wanted to find out more about the numbers that were being refused.

I submitted an Freedom of Information request to Walsall MBC to get more details. The response shows that the rate of refusals has increased nearly fivefold from 1.63% in 2010 to 8.01% so far this year. Refusal rates have increased every year over this period. See the graph above. Given that guidance has not changed over the same time and the number of applications are broadly the same, I do not see why there should be an increase.

Having access to a car and a Blue Badge is often the lifeline that means people can live independent lives. Yet this is being denied to more and more people each year in my view unfairly. Applying for a Blue Badge should be a relatively straightforward process if the person is a senior citizen with a continuing long term condition certified by their doctor.

Below are the full figures: