HM Opposition Day: NHS Workforce and PPE Contracts

HM Opposition used the Opposition Day Debate to raise the issue of NHS Workforce. Labour put forward a motion which called on the House to recognise the shortage of 9,000 hospital doctors and 50,000 nurses, and to condemn the Government’s failure to train enough NHS staff. The motion was put to the House – I voted in favour, and it passed, Ayes:226 and Noes:0. 

HM Opposition then raised the issue of Government PPE Contracts. The Department for Health and Social Care purchased more than £12 billion of Personal Protective Equipment in 2020-21. The Government have written £8.7 billion off this £12 billion – whilst £4 billion was spent on unusable PPE. The motion put forward by the opposition was a plea for answers, clarity and the truth around how PPE contracts were handed out. The motion passed without opposition.