- 24/02/2015
- Posted by: Valerie Vaz MP
- Category: News

On Tuesday 24 February 2015 Valerie attended the conclusion of the House of Commons Commission Bill which makes changes to the House of Commons Commission the governing body of the Commons. Valerie was a member of the Select Committee that made recommendations for a progressive House of Commons.
The Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, the Chair of the House of Commons Governance Committee, praised Valerie’s work on the Governance Report when he said:
“My hon. Friend the Member for Walsall South (Valerie Vaz), who was energetic in the Committee and was not going to let anything go, but out of that energy—sometimes it felt as though I had a terrier locked on my ankle!—we got a better report.”
Valerie said:
“I was pleased with the outcome of the Governance Report. Parliament is a place of work that should be accessible to those who need to understand it and who send us here—but sometimes it is not accessible. The House of Commons Commission Bill will allow members to work in an efficient on behalf of our constituents.”
The Governance of the House Committee’s Report is available to read here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmgovern/692/692.pdf