Opposition Day Debate – Fair economic support for areas facing additional covid-19 restrictions

On Wednesday 21 October 2020, HM Opposition held the second of its two Opposition Day Debates, on Covid-19 and the economy.

Areas moving into Tier 3 have been treated unfairly and inconsistently by the Government, who have let down the North and Midlands. The Government have created an unfair system where different parts of the country have been provided with different amounts of support for jobs and businesses, and in the case of Greater Manchester, with no support at all for jobs and businesses.

HM Opposition tabled a motion calling on government to bring forward fair, national criteria for financial support in areas facing additional restrictions, and provide for MPs to have a vote on that criteria. You can read this motion below: 

“That this House calls on the Government to publish clear and fair national criteria for financial support for jobs and businesses in areas facing additional restrictions, to be voted on in Parliament; and calls on the Government to make good on its claim that workers faced with hardship who are subject to the JSS extension will receive at least 80% of their previous incomes.”

Unfortunately, the Government voted against this motion and it was defeated by 340 noes to 260 ayes. The Prime Minister promised to deliver for the North and the Midlands, but by voting against this motion he’s let them down in the middle of a pandemic.