The Lying-In-State of Queen Elizabeth II

Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II catafalque was placed in Westminster Hall for four days of lying-in-state before her funeral on the 19 September. On Friday 15 September, I joined other mourners to pay my final respects to the late Queen.

It was an unforgettable experience and a tribute to the 70 years of her public service to a remarkable monarch. The mourners in 3 queues filed past the catafaque and the impact that our Queen had both on our Nation and internationally was extraordinary. The Heads of State of other nations attended the Lying in state before the Funeral of her late Majesty on Monday 19 September 2022. The Department of Culture Media and Sport have estimated that 250,000 people attended the Lying in State. 

The Staff of both Houses  and the Security staff undertook a wonderful job to ensure there was a continuous stream of mourners and I wish to thank them for their work.