Valerie and Residents meet Council Officers to discuss Walstead Road Speed Humps

On Friday 28 February 2014, Valerie and residents met with representatives of Walsall MBC to discuss problems which have resulted from the installation of speed humps on Walstead Road.
Valerie said:
“I was delighted that so many residents turned out to explain to representatives of Walsall MBC the problems which have been caused by the installation of speed humps. Residents told the Council Officers how the use of concrete traffic islands in the road have made it extremely difficult to exit their driveways. Other residents explained that large vehicles passing over the speed humps are creating loud noise a vibrations.”
“A further concern which was raised at the meeting was that the Council’s consultation with residents prior to the installation of the speed humps took place during the school summer holidays, and non responses were taken to be indicative of support for the scheme. Clearly, it is absurd that the absence of a response should be considered as support for the scheme.”
“The Council Officers agreed to go and look at what solutions can be put forward in order to address the concerns raised by residents. I hope that this will lead to a satisfactory solution being agreed in the near future.”