Valerie asks local Primary Schools to enter Make IT Happy Competition

Valerie has written to every junior and primary school in Walsall South to encourage them to take part in the Make IT Happy competition for pupils aged 9-11.

Valerie Vaz MP said:

“I have written to all of the primary schools in Walsall South to encourage them to get involved with Make IT Happy again. The competition offers a unique way for pupils to engage with their wider communities to make a positive impact on the lives of others, while at the same time enhancing their own knowledge of IT.”

“This year’s competition has been designed to help children use the internet safely and creatively. Children will be asked to create a digital poster that tells other people what they’ve learned and how they too can be safe on the web.”

“Staying safe online is vital for primary age children, and the competition helps them learn internet safety skills. I am sure that pupils will enjoy the chance to work together on such an exciting and relevant project.”

“In the 2011 Make IT Happy Competition Palfrey Junior School from Walsall South won the West Midlands Regional Competition, following my invitation, and were invited to the prize giving ceremony at the House of Commons. The school received £1200 in prize money.”

“I hope that the 2013 Make IT Happy competition will see many highly successful entries from schools in Walsall South and I wish them the best of luck.”

The closing date for entries is 6 April 2013. For further information and details of how to enter please click here.