Valerie attends ‘We Still Make Things’ : Manufacturing in the Black Country

On Wednesday 5th March, Valerie attended an event in the House of Commons dedicated to manufacturing in Birmingham and the Black Country.

Valerie said:

“At the event I met and spoke with a number of companies and manufacturers who work in and around Birmingham and the Black Country.”

-The adi Group is a large, multi disciplined company offering total engineered solutions to food, beverage, aerospace, defence and automotive industries.

-Power Capacitors Ltd, provide power capacitors for companies which can save industrial users over 20% on their electricity demand costs where they have to pay Reactive Charges.

-Webster & Horsfall, a manaufacturer and stockist of wire and strip, who supply to a range of companies from the Oil and Gas industry to the orthodontic and dental industry.

-Brooks England, who provide cyclists with accessories with emphasis on quality, comfort and durability.”

“These companies have been visiting schools across Birmingham, particularly girls schools, to encourage them to consider careers in manufacturing, design and innovation. It was good to see manufacturing promoted in this way and the message came across loud and clear that there is a high demand for skilled people.”
