Valerie attends Institution and Licensing of the Rev’d Gilbert David as Team Vicar of Darlaston and Moxley

On Sunday 1 March 2015, Valerie attended the institution and licensing of the Rev’d Gilbert David as Team Vicar of Darlaston and Moxley at All Saint’s Church, Darlaston.

Valerie said:

“I was delighted to be in the congregation to welcome the Rev’d David and his family to Darlaston and Moxley. The Venerable Dr Sue Weller led the service as the Bishop of Lichfield who was due to take the service was unwell.”

“The Clergy provide valuable pastoral support many people, whether or not they are churchgoers and I was pleased that representatives from many groups in the local community were present.”

“In November 2013, I raised the need for more clergy in the parish with the Second Church Estates Commissioner and wrote to the Bishop of Lichfield. I am pleased that Rev’d David has now begun his ministry in Darlaston and Moxley. I look forward to working with the Rev’d David in the future.”