Valerie attends launch of This is Music Report

As a member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Music, I attended a meeting on Tuesday 19 October organised by UK Music to launch their latest report.  The meeting was addressed by UK Music’s Chief Executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin.

Jamie for the presented the finding’s of UK Music’s report which looks at the devastating impact that the pandemic has had on musicians and music industry. The report found that in 2020, the music industry contributed £3.1 billion to the UK economy which showed that there was a 46% decrease from £5.8 billion in 2019. 

Public polling from Public First shows just how important music is in all our lives, from giving us a sense of identity, to helping our mental health and wellbeing, boosting our productivity, and improving our quality of life. The report calls for greater investment in our music industry that is full of so much talent and potential, to ensure the industry can return to being the major net contributor to the economy that it was pre-pandemic. 

To read the report please click here