Valerie Attends Vaisakhi Celebrations

The festival of Vaisakhi celebrates the establishment of Sikhism as a collective faith in 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh. This year, Vaisakhi was on 14 April.

On Sunday 17 April 2022 I was delighted to attend a celebration of Vaisakhi in Caldmore.

The event started at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Sahib on West Bromwich Street. A procession was made to Gurdwara Nanak Sar on Wellington Street. It was a pleasure to see people from different parts of Walsall brought together in the procession, including Shakila Hussain, Labour candidate for the Palfrey ward.


On Monday 25 April 2022, I attended a Vaisakhi celebration at Speaker’s House.