Valerie calls on the Government to save local pharmacies in Walsall

On 2 November 2016 the Opposition Labour Party tabled the following motion and held a debate opposing cuts to community pharmacies:


“That this House notes that community pharmacies are valued assets that offer face-to-face healthcare advice which relieves pressure on other NHS services; calls on the Government to rethink its changes to community pharmacy funding; and further calls on the Government to ensure that community pharmacies are protected from service reduction and closure and that local provision of community pharmacy services is protected”

I support the Save our Community Pharmacies campaign. The Government have announced that community pharmacies will face a 12% cut on current funding levels for the rest of this financial year, and a 7.4% cut on current levels the year after. Alistair Burt MP, previously responsible for pharmacy funding estimated earlier this year that up to 3,000, a quarter of all pharmacies, could close because of these cuts.

Pharmacies offer important services to their local communities, particularly the elderly, disabled and those with long term illnesses and provide vital to support to over-stretched GP surgeries and hospitals. There is public support for our pharmacies as shown in the public petition that has become the largest ever on an issue of healthcare and now has 2.2 million signatures.In my view, the Government should not be putting extra strain on our community health services. I will continue to stand up against these unfair cuts.


I voted in favour for the motion. Unfortunately the motion was defeated. The results were: Ayes: 211 Noes: 305.