Valerie discusses the future of the Royal Institution

On Monday 13 October 2014, Valerie met with the Royal Institution’s Director of Science and Education, Gail Cardew.

Valerie said:

“In 2013 I campaigned to secure the future of the Royal Institution at 21 Albemarle Street. For the immediate future the Royal Institution will remain at their historic home thanks to a generous anonymous donation. It was good to know that raising the issue in Parliament had helped.

“Since 1825, the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, founded by Michael Faraday, have introduced new generations of children to the joy of scientific discovery. I would like to see the Christmas lectures moved from BBC4 to BBC2 so a wider audience can enjoy, learn and be engaged in science. Gail told me about the success of the Ri Channel”

“The Royal Institution has excelled itself on YouTube with almost 100,000 subscribers and 6.5 million views. This allows children (and adults) from all over the world to have access to the Royal Institutions content.”

“The Ri Channel is also a great place to find scientific content from all over the internet and it can be found here.”