- 05/12/2015
- Posted by: Valerie Vaz MP
- Category: News

On Friday 4 December 2015 I launched a campaign at Bentley West Primary School on Monmouth Road for 20mph speed limits to be introduced outside all schools in Walsall South.
Last year 29 child pedestrians were killed on British Roads. This is unacceptable and there is compelling evidence that lower speed limits prevent serious injuries and deaths on our roads. There have been near misses outside Joseph Leckie Academy on Walstead Road West and outside Bentley West Primary School on Monmouth Road. It is clear that 30mph speed limits outside schools are unsafe and so I am calling for 20mph speed limits to be introduced outside all schools.
In July, I presented a petition of 223 names to Parliament from residents of Monmouth Road and parents and teachers at Bentley West Primary School, calling for a 20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures to be introduced. I then wrote to all Head Teachers in Walsall South to ask whether they would support the implementation of 20mph speed limits outside their schools. 30 Head Teachers out 38 responded and every response was in favour of implementing 20mph speed limits outside all schools.
Widespread 20mph zones have been implemented around the country: In Hull, where there are more than 100 20mph zones in place, personal injury accidents in the 20mph zones dropped by 56% and fatalities by 90%.
In Bristol, which has recently completed the roll out of 20mph zones across the city has reported similar benefits as well as improved traffic flow.
In Islington, the speed of traffic across the Borough has fallen since it introduced 20mph speed limits in 2012.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSpa) has published statistics showing that pedestrians hit by a car travelling at 20mph have a 1.5% fatality risk compared to an 8% fatality risk for those hit by a car travelling at 30mph.
20mph speed limits reduce speeds and increase safety even without the use of traffic calming. They are a cost effective way to drastically improve safety for our children.