Valerie opens new disabled facilities at Delves Community Baptist Church

On Saturday 17 January 2015, Valerie attended Delves Community Baptist Church, where she officially opened the Church’s new disabled facilities.

Valerie said:

“I was delighted to be able to cut the ribbon to open the new facilities at Delves Baptist Community Church. The Church has now been able to widen doorways to enable wheelchair access, install a disabled toilet and to open a counselling room. It is remarkable what has been achieved by the members of the church who have ensured that the least advantaged members of community have benefited.”

“Many events were held to raise the funds such as sponsored swims, concerts, cream teas and a barn dance. In just seven months during 2014, Church members raised £4,000 towards the costs of the work and Marston’s contributed funds to pay for a changing bed for children with disabilities. Work to improve the Church building is still ongoing and I saw the work in progress to install a new roof on the Church Hall.”

“I congratulate the members of Delves Baptist Community Church on their efforts, which I know will benefit the people in the Delves community. It is wonderful that so many people have come together in this way. This shows how much it is possible to achieve when we work together.”

The website of Delves Community Baptist Church can be viewed here.