Valerie publishes a table of Walsall Manor Hospital complaints.

Valerie Vaz, Member of Parliament for Walsall South published a table of complaints from patients of Walsall Manor Hospital who have contacted her.

Valerie Vaz MP said:

“Following the recommendations of the Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry by Robert Francis QC it is important for patients to raise concerns and complaints they have about their local hospitals so problems can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity. This information is useful in seeing trends and the areas that need improving.”

“Mr Francis in his Report recommended that information such as this should be available to everyone simply by logging into the hospital’s website. Under recommendation 118, a patient would be able to see upheld complaints relating to patient care in a hospital or surgical teams across the country. I agree with his recommendation, which is why I have decided to publish the anonymised concerns people have had at the Manor above.”

“By looking at the small sample of my constituents, who have come to me with their concerns and complaints I have suggested to the Manor Hospital that they should look at their discharge procedures for patients and the speed at which treatment is provided.”

The Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry by Robert Francis QC can be found here:

Information about Walsall Manor Hospital can be found here: