- 05/03/2022
- Posted by: Valerie Vaz MP
- Category: News
The Walsall Black Sisters Collective was founded in July 1986 by a group of young Black women who met to discuss issues that affected them. WBSC has grown to offer community-based provision to meet the health and social needs of BME communities and the wider community in the borough of Walsall. On Saturday 5 March 2022, I spoke at WBSC’s 35th Anniversary Ball.
Current projects include a befriending service, an after-school club, a day-service for frail elderly people, a mental health support group, and Women Empowerment Workshops. WBSC seek to ensure that their services demonstrate equality, meet cultural needs, and empower communities who use them.
I congratulated WBSC on the fantastic achievement of their 35th Anniversary, and spoke about my life and career, and my work as Member of Parliament for Walsall South. Each table was named after an influential Black woman. I sat at the Rosa Parks table. I asked all of the guests to call out the name of their table so we can remember their struggles to encourage and inspire us into the positions we hold today.
The event was hosted by Nikki Tapper, and we heard from WBSC’s Chair Wendy Angus-Bovell and CEO Maureen Lewis. The evening also featured performances by a poet, comedy act and musician, as well as the Aston Performing Arts Academy. I wish Walsall Black Sisters Collective the very best in their work serving the community of Walsall for the next thirty-five years.