Valerie tables EDM 517 on the Epilepsy Passport

On Tuesday 13 October 2015 I tabled an EDM (Early Day Motion) calling on the Government to support the introduction of the Epilepsy Passport.

The full text of the EDM:

That this House congratulates the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) on the launch of the Epilepsy Passport following the recommendation to introduce an Epilepsy Passport in the Child Health Review on Epilepsy by RCPCH in September 2015; welcomes the resolution of the World Health Organisation that stressed the need to reinforce health information systems to improve access to epilepsy care; commends the Epilepsy Passport as an easy-to-carry paper record of relevant and up-to-date clinical information about a child or young person’s epilepsy including an emergency care plan, medication history and key professional contacts; recognises its uniqueness as an innovation in epilepsy healthcare for children and young people by providing clear information to medical staff as well as schools, residential and respite care services; and calls on the Government to support the introduction of the Epilepsy Passport and ensure that, together with other initiatives, children with epilepsy receive the best possible integrated healthcare.

Full details of the EDM and a list of signatories updated daily are available here