Valerie Tables EDM on World Book Day 2022

I have tabled the following Early Day Motion ahead of this year’s World Book Day, EDM 959:

“That this House congratulates World Book Day on celebrating its 25th Anniversary on 3 March 2022; commends its success in distributing 15 million book tokens annually in places of education; notes that reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success; further notes that the British economy could be £30 billion larger by 2030 if every child left primary education with the reading skills they need; recognises the importance of children from all backgrounds having the opportunity to choose and own a book; and welcomes World Book Day’s campaign to inspire more children to think of themselves as readers.”

The EDM has been so far been signed by 22 Members. I look forward to celebrating World Book Day’s 25th Anniversary on 3 March.