Valerie Welcomes School of Education to Parliament

Valerie welcomed the Dean of the University of Wolverhampton’s School of Education, Professor Kit Field, and Dr Tehmina Basit to the Houses of Parliament.

Dr Basit presented her recent research on ‘Intergenerational Dynamics and Education Amongst British Asian Families’ to a panel of academics, educators and Members of Parliament.  The research was undertaken in the West Midlands and funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council. 

Valerie said: “Paul Uppal MP (Wolverhampton South West) and I are pleased to sponsor this event, and we welcome Professor Kit Field and Dr Tehmina Basit from the School of Education on the Walsall Campus of the University of Wolverhampton, to the Houses of Parliament.

“Dr Basit has carried out important research which needs to be disseminated as widely as possible.

“This research teaches us valuable lessons about families, young people and the value of learning, and will help us to ensure that future generations can engage effectively with education and society.”