Valerie welcomes upgrade to Darlaston Road Crossing after 3 year campaign with residents

Valerie has welcomed a decision by Walsall MBC to upgrade the existing Zebra Crossing on Darlaston Road to a signal controlled Puffin Crossing following a 3 year campaign with residents.

Valerie said:

“Residents first contacted me following an alarming series of 5 incidents in Autumn 2011 including an incident on 8 September 2011 in which a four year old boy was hit by a car on the Crossing, sustaining serious head injuries that required the air ambulance. Drivers tend to travel quickly along this busy road and the large number of parked cars means that visibility can be limited for both drivers and pedestrians. The Zebra Crossing was clearly not suitable in this location a not to have seen further serious injuries or deaths in the intervening period.”

“It is now 3 years since I first made representations on behalf of the residents to Walsall MBC in December 2011 asking for the existing Zebra Crossing to be upgraded to a Signal Controlled Crossing. Over the past 3 years I presented a petition of over 300 names to Parliament and raised the issue at Business Questions in the House of Commons.”

“I am delighted that Walsall MBC has listened to my representations on behalf of the residents and confirmed that a Signal Controlled Crossing will be installed on Darlaston Road in February 2015.This outcome shows what can be done when we work together and persevere. Local people will now be much safer crossing Darlaston Road and will no longer be in doubt that vehicles will stop when they step onto the Crossing.”